Departmental Pay Authorization Form Enter Your Email Address* Enter Your Division HereLibrariesProvostProvost - Office of ResearchProvost - PAMProvost - StevensProvost - Animal ResourcesProvost - Fisher MuseumStudent AffairsRoski School of Art and DesignToday's Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY What is your name?* Type of employee that you want to pay* Staff Faculty Student (awards only) Employee ID Number for this employee (7 digits)** Please enter this information if you know it. If not, please disregard.Employee Name* First Last Home Department Name* What do you need to pay this person for?* Please enter a very thorough description that answers the questions of who, what, where, when and why.When will this person start performing this work?* When will this person stop performing this work?* What USC Account # (10 digits) will fund this payment?* If you do not know this information, please consult with your SBO first.How much do you want to pay this person (in total?)*